Bellechester City Council Meeting Minutes
June 19, 2024 @ 6:00 PM
Meeting is recorded, and the recordings belong to the City of Bellechester.
Pledge to the flag.
Roll call was taken: The council in attendance: Mayor Jody Gordon, Council people Mark Gerken, Jered Buxengard, Kyle Blattner and Rich Majerus as well as City Clerk Lisa Redepenning and City Engineer Matt Mohs. Treasurer Kyle McKeown was absent.
Minutes of May 15, 2024 regular meeting minutes were reviewed and motion was made by Mark Gerken with a second by Rich Majerus to approve the minutes. Motion carried.
Bills were reviewed and a motion by Rich Majerus with a second by Kyle Blattner to approve and pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.
Old Business:
• Sewer Lining Project - Update progress, Pay Application No. 1 – Visu Sewer has been doing the main lining. Matt when thru the Pay Application process. Televising and lining was done. Bolten & Menk completes the Pay Application and sends to RD & Visu Sewer for approval. 3578 feet has been lined, which is about 30% complete. Visu Sewer is done now and will be coming back in the fall. Televising is being done now on the laterals. Some issues have come up with the moisture issues, so they will be addressed in the fall. Motion was made by Rich Majerus with a 2nd by Jered Buxengard to pay application #1 for $147,115.82. Motion carried.
• Water Meter Project - Update progress – this has not started yet.
New business:
• Lab Report Results – there is a chemical that can be put in the address the color of water. We received a cost for the system to address it.
• Tavern and Legion Liquor License Approval. Motion was made by Mark Gerken with a 2nd Rich Majerus by to approve both the Tavern and Legion Liquor Licenses. Motion carried.
• Dance Permit – Tavern – not needed.
• Police Contract – discuss – will have GCSO attend August meeting to discuss policing contract for next year.
• Wifi Box Purchase – we will test with a similar box to ensure Zoom meetings can be done via the hotspot and if it has enough to handle it.
• Cannabis Ordinance - Delegating Registration Authority to the County – Motion was made by Kyle Blattner with a 2nd by Jered Buxengard to delegate Cannabis Authority to Goodhue County and Wabasha County for their respective parts of town. Motion carried.
Engineer Report – There has already been a substantial reduction of water into the pond with our lining project. There has been some groundwater coming thru the service lateral on private property identified.
Clerk Report – Wifi Box Information - The same type of box I get when I get from the library (T-Mobile) is $90 + $10 connection fee with a monthly charge of (Plan taxes & fees included):
2gig of data = $10/month, 5gig of data = $20/month, 10gig of data = $30/month
50gig of data = $50/month. So the box would not stay there, can be carried to any location within town and used for city use within the amount of data selected from above options for each month.
Quarterly Billing will be done – the 2023 Consumer Confidence Report will be in the mailing.
LGA Coming this year – Total = $30,530, $23,486 this month, $16,091 end of December.
Barking Dog Complaint Warning – I have a letter ready to send. Cannabis Delegation – if we delegate Goodhue County and I am confirming if they can do the Wabasha County portion of town also – FYI.
Treasurer Report – None
Water/Wastewater/Facility Report – Pond discharge will be done.
Mayor Concerns: None
Council Concerns: None
Motion was made by Kyle Blattner with a second by Rich Majerus to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 7:21. Motion carried.
Submitted by Lisa Redepenning – City Clerk