I’ve been thinking a lot over the past few months about the experience of grief. The Oxford Dictionary describes grief as, “deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone’s death.” It’s not …
By Pr. Eric Hanson
In 17+ years of ministry I’ve had the pleasure of accompanying people of different ages, stages, cultures, and socioeconomic status on their journeys of faith. It is an honor to walk alongside …
By Pr. Eric Hanson
In case you didn’t notice, we are in an election year. 16 years ago, when we were also in an election year, one candidate for president had a slogan that really caught on, and helped propel him to …
By Pastor Marty Weigand, Grace and St. Peter’s Lutheran Churches (WELS) of Goodhue, MN
In 17+ years of ministry I’ve had the pleasure of accompanying people of different ages, stages, cultures, and socioeconomic status on their journeys of faith. It is an honor to walk alongside …
By Pr. Eric Hanson
It was early in my ministry and I wanted to show off a little. I thought I had done a pretty decent job in my sermon to point out the difference between Heresy, Orthodoxy, and Heterodoxy. That …
By Pastor Robbin Robbert
“God has a plan.” I’ve said those words often in my life during times of transition. Especially this time of year. The school year is ending and young people around me seem to have their eyes …
By Pastor Eric Hanson, St. Luke Lutheran Church
Last week I heard about the Minnesota Human Rights Act for the first time. A little research tells me that it has been around since 1967 and is a human rights law. In 1993 it added sexual orientation …
By Robbin Robbert
According to an article in the New York Times, scientific evidence has led people to believe that couples will eventually start to look like one another. Sounds crazy, right? Well, it might not …
By Pastor Colleen Hoeft, South Troy Church
Is there a “Christian” position on abortion? Some churches think it’s their job to advocate for a woman’s “right” to abort her child. Others equivocate or avoid the issue. And many …
Submitted by Pastor Marty Weigand, Grace and St. Peter’s Lutheran (WELS) of Goodhue
We’re heading towards the end of winter and the beginning of Spring when Christians around the world will celebrate the season of Easter. That means we are currently in the less famous and less …
By Eric Hanson
Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day have been on the same date in 1923, 1934, 1945, 2024(this year), 2029 and no more in the 21st century. Today, let’s see how God’s L:OVE is a part of both the …
By Robbin Robert
Another page has turned on another year. Welcome to 2024. As the page turns perhaps you, like me, are tempted toward a couple of different postures. First, we may be tempted to look back. The …
By Eric Hanson
Can you say, “Happy Holidays” and still confess your Christian faith? Yes!! The origin of the word “holiday” is “ hâligdæeg” which is an old English word meaning “holy day “ . So …
By Robbin Robbert
I’ve been reading an interesting book lately called “The Year of Living Biblically.” Its a book by a man named A.J. Jacobs who spent the year of 2006 adhering as strictly and as literally as …
By Pastor Eric Hanson, St. Luke Lutheran Church
Dear Residents of the Goodhue area- Hello!
Some of you know me already of have met me in the seven years I’ve had the privilege of serving in this area as pastor at Grace Lutheran on County 4, …
By Pastor Martin Weigand, pastormweigand@gmail.com
Have you ever read the backgrounds of why our ecumenical creeds were written? History has a way of repeating itself when it comes to errors about the God of the Bible. Since the early days of the …
By Robb Robert pastor at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
This summer, St. Luke Lutheran Church has been engaging questions of faith during our Thursday night worship services at Zion church off County Road 6. One of the most intriguing questions that has …
Pr. Eric Hanson, St. Luke Lutheran, Goodhue
What breaks your heart? This is more than a bad day, or a break-up with your last date. What are those things that you are passionate about? Is it your family, your job, your hobbies, people in your …
By Pastor Colleen Hoeft
Summer is upon us, and I imagine that you, like me, have your head turned to the plethora of recreation activities available during your average Minnesota summer. I am an outdoor enthusiast and so …
By Pastor Eric Hanson, St. Luke Lutheran Church
It’s the end of May at the writing of this article and I’ve started receiving graduation notices in the mail. I imagine you have too. It’s that time of year again where we, as a community, get …
By Pr. Eric Hanson, St. Luke Lutheran Church, Goodhue