City of Goodhue
City Council Work Meeting Minutes
May 10, 2023
Present were Mayor Ellen Anderson Buck, Council Persons Jason Thuman, Joe Benda, Patrice O’Reilly.
Bill Ahlbrecht, Jason Mandelkow, McCrave Olson-News Record, Ryan Tipcke, Charlie Dicke, Treyben
Kehren, and Matt Lexvold. Absent was Council Person Chris Schmit.
Motion by Benda and seconded by O’Reilly to amend the agenda. Adding M and N. Motion carried 4-0.
Bill Ahlbrecht with AG Partners reviewed with the City Council the land vacancy near the walking trail.
Further information will be taken at the next meeting.
Façade Program was reviewed. Changes have been suggested by council members. The draft of a new
program layout will be reviewed at a future meeting.
Pool Party fees were discussed. Changes will be made at the next council meeting.
Volksfest street closures were discussed, along with the layout of the fenced area.
58/9 watermain project were discussed. The council would like further discussion with the City Engineer,
Northland Security, and the City Attorney. Future special meetings will be called.
City web page will be reviewed, having additional questions. More information will be talked about at an
upcoming work meeting. City Text messaging option was discussed, it is very costly to have this at this
Data request form will be updated and approved and the Mat 24 meeting.
Cell phone and Text Messaging during council meetings was talked about. A policy will be drafted for
future meeting approval.
The City Council will be working on updating the final draft of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance.
This will be approved at a future council meeting.
Manor Ave street and upcoming construction projects were briefly discussed. More info will be
discussed at a future meeting.
Motion by Thuman and seconded by O’Reilly to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted Jill Buxengard - City Clerk