City of Goodhue City Council Meeting Minutes Sept. 14, 2022
Present were Acting Mayor Hahn, Council persons O’Reilly, Thuman, and Brunkhorst.
Also present were Officer Sievers, Smith and Nate, Jason Mandelkow, George Eilertson, Pete Grimsrud, Reese Sudtelgte, Cailin Richard, Attorney Bob Vose, Rich Majerus, Jim Mollenhauer, Terry Anderson Buck, Rick Buck, Chris Schmit, and Dan Tipcke.
Motion by Brunkhorst and seconded by O’Reilly to approve the agenda. Amending #7 moving into place #4 Motion carried.
Motion by O’Reilly and seconded by Brunkhorst to approve the Aug. 24 Minutes with amendments noted. Motion carried.
Motion by Brunkhorst and seconded by Thuman to approve the 4th St. and Broadway St. projects Bond for 10 years. Motion carried.
Motion by Brunkhorst and seconded by Hahn to approve the cost of the water line extension on Broadway going North. Motion carried.
Motion by Brunkhorst and seconded by Hahn to approve the Municipal Advisor Agreement with Northland Security. Motion carried.
Old Business-
Motion by Brunkhorst and seconded by O’Reilly to accept the proposal quote for the security system from RWC Tech solutions, $4,377.91. Motion carried.
New business-
Engineer Report Reese gave an update on the 4th Street and Broadway Street construction. They are on track and may need one additional week due to the extension of the water on Broadway, the project is moving forward great. No updates on the North Zumbro Sanitary District. Council has asked the City Engineer to look at numbers for other options the city will look into for the future of the sewer plant. Motion by Thuman and seconded by Hahn to approve the Pre-Levy $1,095,907.77. Motion carried.
Motion by Thuman and seconded by O’Reilly to approve Resolution 9-14 which would allow Goodhue County to move forward with a public auction for the property of 509 Park Ave. Motion carried.
Motion by Brunkhorst and seconded by Hahn to accept the resignation of office Nick Sievers. Motion carried.
Thank you, Nick, for you two plus years of service to the city. You will be missed. Motion by Thuman and seconded by O’Reilly to approve the Agreement with Goodhue County for prosecutions. Agreement will be for one year and any time the city can release the contract. Contract amount is $680 per month. Motion by Brunkhorst and seconded by O’Reilly to approve a job posting for a Police Officer. Motion carried.
Chief Smith reported that his audit went well and is also looking at updating the Emergency Management Book.
Public works update-
Water Tower cleaning went well earlier this week. Mastic work has been completed for this year; all are happy with how it turned out. Looking at updating some on the broken picnic tables at Rosie Park. Flow meter at the sewer plant is not working correctly, public works will be finding quotes. Public Works is looking at their budget for consideration of a new lawn mower. In the future they are considering the need for a skid loader and the plow truck needs a new sander and box needs to be patched or plated. Streets that need crack fill or seal coated have been noted and quotes for this work and options will be considered in the future.
St. Luke’s board member, Dan Tipcke spoke of the communication on the water to the new church location. City council considered whether to extend a water main past the ditch or water conveyance and into the church’s property. The council declined to do so for several reasons including because doing so would require an engineering plan, establishment of an easement or right-of-way for the line, imposition of special assessments for the cost, and higher costs to the church.
Instead, the council indicated that the church may proceed with installing a service line to the existing main. As provided in the City Code, service lines are installed at the property owner’s expense. Please work with the City’s public works director to sort out the details concerning a new connection to the existing main.
Motion by O’Reilly seconded by Brunkhorst to approve the bills. Motion carried.
Motion by Thuman and seconded by Brunkhorst to adjourn the meeting.
Jill Buxengard- City Clerk