Goodhue Special City Council Meeting - August 17, 2022


City of Goodhue Special City Council Meeting Minutes Aug. 17, 2022

Present were Mayor Kerry Bien, Council persons Wayne Hahn, Patrice O’Reilly, Jason Thuman, and Michael Brunkhorst.

Also present were Officer Nick Sievers, Terry Buck and Chris Schmit. Motion by O’Reilly and seconded by Brunkhorst to approve the agenda. Motion carried

The special meeting was called to hire a new city attorney and address communication. Motion by Thuman and seconded by Hahn to hire Kennedy & Graven Law firm, Attorney Robert Vose, as the new city attorney. Motion carried. The city council was able to ask questions of Attorney Vose regarding assisting as the city admin, closing city lots that are sold, bond work, council meetings, general city duties to name some of the items with the hourly rate of $180. Dick Gorman will be handling the current cases that are open for the City of Goodhue. A brief discussion was held in regard to how to handle situations at council meeting and within city hall. Motion by Brunkhorst and second by O’Reilly to move to a closed meeting to discuss security issues. Motion carried.

Motion by O’Reilly and second by Brunkhorst to adjourn the closed meeting. Motion carried. Motion by Brunkhorst to reopen the Special Council Meeting, second by Hahn. Motion carried.

Motion by Thuman and second by Brunkhorst to adjourn the special council meeting. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted Jill Buxengard- City Clerk