City of Goodhue
Special Council Meeting
City Council with Gas Commission
May 3, 2023
Present Council Members Mayor Terry Buck, Council Members Chris Schmit, Patrice O’Reilly, Joe Benda, and Jason Thuman. Gas Commission Board Members Kyle McKeown, Wayne Gadient, Michael Brunkhorst, Terry Anderson Buck. Also, present Robert Vose, Jason Mandelkow, and Kim McKeown.
The City Council and Goodhue Gas Commission meet at 7pm on May 3, 2023, at City Hall.
The reason for the meeting was to discuss roles, clarification, responsibilities, communication processes, and moving forward what are some of the goals we can work towards together. Correction of paperwork was approved, all in favor.
Motion by Benda and seconded by Schmit to adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully Submitted
Jill Buxengard - City Clerk