Health Tips by Dr. Burshem


Snoring (hated by wives around the world & some husbands, LOL) is a common sign of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is when your body stops breathing for a short amount of time, while sleeping. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the typical form. OSA comes from the airway being blocked during sleep. Untreated OSA is linked to heart disease and neurological brain function complications as well as an increased risk of early death. Untreated sleep apnea also increases your risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, irregular heart beat and stroke. A medical study found that 1 in 5 people with sleep apnea had OSA, but only 3.5% of the participants were ever treated for it. 37.2% had severe snoring and 14.6% also had excessive daytime sleepiness. Non-surgical treatments include Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), positional therapy, use of oral appliances, nasal resistors, oropharyngeal exercises, and behavioral measures, including weight loss when indicated, frequent physical exercise, avoidance of alcohol and sedative medication before bedtime. Chiropractors that are trained in the use of Nasal Release Technique can check the nasal passages for obstruction and restore proper nasal pathways.

Vaping has been marketed as healthier alternative to cigarette smoking and a way to help people quit smoking. Sadly, the e-cigarette marketing has misled thousands of people that vaping is a healthier option. Chemical analysis has found that e-cigarettes contain liquids, aerosols, cartridges and heating coils that contain many toxic and carcinogenic ingredients. The chemical polonium-210 is one of the reasons that tobacco causes cancer. Polonium-210 is also found in e-cigarettes and can cause lung cancer as well. E-cigs also contain toxic metals like lead, aluminum, arsenic, cobalt and tin. In addition, when the chemicals in e-cigs are heated they produce toxic formaldehyde as well as other toxic aldehydes.

One of the most common childhood surgeries is tonsillectomy. Tonsils used to be thought of as useless tissue, but in reality they are integral to the development of the immune system. The surgery is recommended for treatment of reoccurring, chronic or severe tonsillitis. There are risks associated with the surgery which include increased risk of childhood asthma, frequent flu infections and chances of pneumonia. An alternative to tonsillectomy is a partial removal. Partial removal reduces post operative bleeding and pain. Leaving a portion of the tonsils may help to prevent chronic respiratory conditions.

An estimated 40 million Americans, about 18% of the population struggle with anxiety. While many factors contribute to anxiety, recent research suggests that anxiety is inherited from your parents. Animal research shows that two brain regions involved in processing fear and anxiety can be passed down to your children. Another factor in the increase of anxiety is the rise in chronic microwave radiation exposure from wireless technology. Research shows that exposure to this type of radiation from cell phones, I-pads, laptops and video gaming and other blue tooth technology can have a direct influence on your mental health.

90% of sea salt sold worldwide contains plastic. This makes perfect sense as our oceans are full of plastic from garbage dumping, storms and run-off from streets. Researchers feel that most people consume 2,000 particles of plastic in sea salt per year. This fact coincides with a recent study that I reported on stating that plastic was found in 100% of human stool samples of people tested. Your best option is to avoid regular sea salt and only use “real” Himalayan sea salt. Himalayan sea salt was created long before the environment was polluted by plastics and chemical toxins.